Anonymous Splinter Group Targeting Sony Executives


The hack collective Anonymous assails the PlayStation Network and harasses crowning executives in support of GeoHot and his pending legal battle with Sony.

By now, you probably know the major players. Sony is suing George Hotz, aka GeoHot, for in public posting the root key to the PS3 thereby allowing anyone to install any operational system on the game console. Anonymous, a hacker collective that is responsible for attacking anyone from Gene Simmons to PayPal and Bank of America for not respecting free speech, has come to GeoHot's aid by delivery down earlier this week and continuing disruption of gamers' connectivity with the PlayStation Network. Anonymous made a video announcement of its intentions in Operation Sony or #OpSony. In addition, a splinter Anonymous group – perhaps a subset of those up to our necks – has acorn-shaped on the IRC channel #SonyRecon to obtain as much individual information As possible on top side Sony executives to target them for future molestation or possible hacking of personal systems.

"Sooner State, I made a chan #sonyrecon for people to gather and contribute dox, and work towards a common goal of finding and information and detailing expedient targets," a user identified as randomtask said over IRC. "Someone got the phone number of the chief of the sony ship's company in #sonyrecon."

The "dox" that randomtask mentions refers to all personal designation documents OR entropy such as phone numbers game, email addresses or pictures of family members. So far, the IRC chat has targeted Sony financial ridicule Robert S. Wiesenthal and Nicole Seligman, Sony's legal Guru who also defended Oliver North during the Islamic Republic of Iran-Contra affair and Bill Clinton at his impeachment trials. Of run, Sony CEO and President Howard Stringer's family is also under Nameless' gun.

"No ace found any info on Stringers kids?" one Anonymous member lamented in IRC. Information technology's not just Sony executives that Anonymous wants to provok; anyone up to our necks with the court case is vulnerable. "Sony, the judge and sonys lawyers are all valid targets," randomtask said.

But at least there is still a sense of humour about them. "lol easily like 30 min ago i odd chocolate rain down on the guess's voicemail – lawl," one Anonymous member said.

Source: PlayStation Lifestyle


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